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San Diego San Diego Community Leader

San Diego

Claudette Tanabe-Smith Outreach Director

As a San Diego native with a personal connection to service – my father was both a police officer and a marine – I have a profound respect and gratitude for our veterans and first responders. My background, which includes playing football for San Diego Rebellion and earning a degree in broadcast journalism, has instilled in me the importance of teamwork, strategy, and clear dialogue, all of which are crucial in my advocacy for these community heroes.

My focus is on enhancing the lives of San Diego’s veterans, particularly in the realm of healthcare. Recognizing the unique physical and mental challenges they face due to their service, I am committed to advocating for comprehensive healthcare services tailored to their specific needs. This involves pushing for expanded healthcare options, increased mental health service funding, and improved care coordination.

In addition to healthcare, I am passionate about facilitating veterans’ transition into civilian life, particularly through employment opportunities. I support programs that offer job training, networking prospects, and resources essential for a smooth transition to civilian employment.

For our first responders, ensuring they have the necessary resources, training, and support is a priority. This includes advocating for sufficient funding and resources to perform their duties safely and effectively, as well as initiatives focused on their mental health and well-being, including counseling services and stress management programs.

Finally, honoring and recognizing the sacrifices of our veterans and first responders is paramount. I am an active proponent of events and ceremonies that celebrate their service, alongside initiatives that create lasting memorials and community benefits for them.

In essence, my goal is to positively influence the lives of San Diego’s veterans and first responders, ensuring they receive the healthcare, employment support, and recognition they richly deserve for their invaluable service to our community.

Team Members Team Members

Outreach Specialists

Mia Goudy

Outreach Specialists

Veteran Son

Relocation to FL for my sons medical condition Symphatic Opthalmia. Having trouble making ends meet for rent groceries and traveling for his doctor. Ty so much for these folks helping anyway they can. These folks are the only reason we are able to get my son to the doctor!
Veteran Son
Clayton Godfrey

Veteran Widow

“I cannot thank you enough.  They finally have more space in their room, and Lexie’s (top bunk) bed broke right before Nathan got sick, so it never got fixed.”

Veteran Widow


“I was in need for someone to help me with my children.

This program is remarkable and lifted a huge burden off of my shoulders.”

Vanessa Goins


“I’m a homeless disabled veteran with a special need son, we need help,so I reached out to the guardian community and Mrs. Shannon called and said they will help us. We are so grateful.

I’m thankful to come across the Guardian Community  at the right time.”

Lania Owens

Army Veteran

“We just want to say thank you so so much to this incredible organization! Our auto insurance got canceled due to non payment and we weren’t able to take care of it on our own. They were able to help us get it back started and we couldn’t be more grateful! We are truly grateful for organizations like this one and are inspired by the work they do!”

Army Veteran
The Billies

Army Veteran

“My name is Chauncey Williams. I am 100% permanently and totally disabled veteran. Thank you, Guardian Community, for your assistance for stepping in to assist with the necessary tree removal my homeowner’s insurance company placed upon me to have removed to stay insured.  Without the help you given, my home would have been uninsured and forcing my mortgage holder to foreclose on my home, forcing another veteran to be homeless. My most heartfelt gratitude goes out to you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you are and continue to do. God Bless, Chauncey Williams, US Army Veteran.”
Army Veteran
Chauncey Williams

Army Veteran

“I want to thank the Guardian Community team for helping my family and me at one of the lowest points in our lives. We are trying to rebuild as quickly as we can after getting knocked down so hard, but our community has helped us expedite our recovery through the caring and support we have received.”

Army Veteran
Blair Didion

Navy Veteran

“My wife and I recently had our first child and our bills got away from us as well as our one vehicle breaking down. We didn’t know who we could turn to for help, so we reached out to veteran’s organizations and the Guardian Community reached back out to us and helped us immediately. I cannot thank the Guardian Community enough for helping a Navy Veteran like myself and my family when I needed it most. God bless you all abundantly. This is truly a God sent organization that steps in for Veterans during hardships and times of a crisis.”

Navy Veteran
Raymond Crawford

Army Veteran

“I ran into one of the members of the Guardian while walking my dogs one day. I truly believe Angels brought Guardian to me to help me get back on my feet after my husband passed away two months ago.  I am forever grateful to Guardian for creating a safe space for me to feel, seen, heard, and supported.”

Army Veteran
Lauren Noble


“We had a fire on June 14th. The hotel we were staying in was too expensive and filthy. We decide out shed was a better option. We cut hole in wall, installed an ac. We stored all our stuff in loft. Insulated walls with free bubble envelopes from usps. Run electric off of generator for ac and cpap and oxygen. While not the ideal place to live it is better than being dive bombed by roaches in hotel. The only issue we have had is keeping enough gas money for generator. We were also having problems keeping food as we put generator first. This is why we went to facebook group veterans helping veterans and someone gave us the contact for Guardian. We contacted them and by the grace of God finally got the help we needed.”

Ricardo Cavazos


“Guardian Outreach may have LITERALLY saved my life. Big thanks to those who support this organization. After being manipulated and lied to with my previous employer, I hit a spot where I began to wander if I’d ever succeed. Could I pay the next months bills? But the staff here at Guardian let me know that I was not alone. They helped me get through the financial struggle AND to look forward to new beginnings. Now I’m happy to say My mission is to help spread awareness for PTSD and suicidal ideation for veterans first responders. Too many suffering from PTSD and a lost sense of brotherhood . I believe with help through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and fellow veterans, we can truly help others recover from the unseen wounds of war, we can persevere through the effects of PTSD!”

Randon Romero

Air Force Veteran

“I am an elder Air Force veteran living in South Georgia, and I recently went through my second devastating hurricane. My house was partially flooded, I lost food supplies, and I ended up in the ER. I wouldn’t wish this experience on anyone.

The aftermath has been incredibly challenging—I now deal with PTSD and often lose track of the days. I am deeply grateful for any support that Guardian Community can provide. Their help with getting us emergency food has meant more than words can express.”

Air Force Veteran
Deborah Keefer


“My family and I have encountered a really rough patch as of late. We found ourselves barely treading water. We were blessed to find the guardian community and Shannon was so nice and helpful. Thank you for all that you do.”

Sean Cook

Gulf War Disabled Veteran

“I’m a Gulf War disabled veteran who recently fell on hard times when the VA withheld my disability payments over something they claimed I owed from 30 years ago. They didn’t consider that this would leave me unable to pay my bills, buy food, or keep the lights on for me and my dogs.

I’m incredibly grateful for the support Guardian Community is providing. It’s a reminder that there are still organizations and people who truly care about veterans and their families.”

Gulf War Disabled Veteran
Rayburn Greene

Navy Veteran

It always seems like one hardship after the next with no end in sight! My family was struggling due to the costly repairs of my car and damage from two different hurricanes Idallia and Helene. I exhausted all my funds and I am on a fixed income. I am a disabled Navy Veteran and I’m unable to work at the moment due to my health. I want to thank you all for helping provide my family with food until my funds come in. I am forever grateful! 🥹

Navy Veteran
Carmella Young


“I was lost, but now I’m found, thanks to Jesus sending Mr. Kip and Mrs. Shannon my way. I am incredibly grateful for them.”

Frank Patillo

Disable Veteran

“I am a disabled veteran and had been searching for assistance for some time. I couldn’t afford rehab, and the VA was unable to cover my injury. I am so grateful for Guardian Community for stepping in to support me and, by extension, my family.

Guardian is truly a great organization. I would recommend them to any veteran in need.”

Disable Veteran
Kendrick Reed


  • Malik started his law enforcement path early, inspired to serve. At 15, he joined the North Miami Beach Police as a Police Explorer and later served five years in the U.S. Navy, continuing in the U.S. Airforce National Guard.

    On March 26, 2023, Officer Daricaud was tragically shot in the neck during a traffic stop. Despite this, he remains stable and is courageously recovering. His journey ahead is tough, but he’s hopeful.

    During this time, his wife and son’s love supports Officer Daricaud. Yet, with hospital and rehab costs, plus lost income, his family faces financial challenges.

  • Finding Hope in a Park: A Veteran’s Gratitude

    A homeless veteran, struggling and lost, found hope through an unexpected encounter with Guardian Community. “I was lost but now I’m found, thanks to Jesus sending Mr. Kip and Mrs. Shannon my way,” they shared, expressing deep gratitude.

    With Guardian’s help, the veteran received much-needed food, easing their burden during a difficult time. Their story is a reminder of the power of compassion and timely assistance in transforming lives.

Richard 2
  • A Veteran’s Story of Survival After a Fire

    After a fire destroyed their home on June 14th, a veteran and their family were left with few options. Unable to afford a hotel, they moved into a shed, making it livable with an air conditioner and insulation from USPS bubble envelopes. They powered their essentials with a generator but struggled to keep it fueled, often sacrificing food to do so.

    Desperate, they turned to a Facebook group for veterans and were referred to Guardian Community. “By the grace of God, we finally got the help we needed,” they shared. Guardian provided food and fuel for the generator, bringing much-needed relief. Reflecting on their journey, they said, “God is always with us, especially in troubled times.”

Jacob Williams 1

Mike Taylor Live and the Guardian Community

Shannon joins Mike Taylor Live to promote upcoming Guardian events in the Texas Guardian Community.


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